Sunday, July 18, 2004

Cases 15 & 16- Two Anecdotes

These next two are really short anecdotes. Both involving the use of Relative Analgesia for children.

Case 15

This youngster was one of my RA Course demonstration cases, who attended with her mother last Saturday and whose treatment under RA was video- relayed to my course participants. She is a small 7 1/2 year old who has had several restorations from the age of about 5 with Relative Analgesia (RA) and LA. Towards the end of her 20 minutes session (to place a medium sized Glass ionomer in LRd with LA ), I told her she was " breathing fresh air now" and that she "would soon be on her way home". She said she didn't want to go home because the happy air was fun and she went on to tell me that " I am the only one in my class who likes going to the dentist. I think I want to be a dentist when I grow up"! Mother was delighted at the result and quite rightly very proud her offspring too.

and in a similar vein ( no pun intended)

Case 16

We saw a thirteen year old with retained , though moderately mobile upper Es today for routine examination. Both teeth has small distal cavities which required temporary fillings to await their exfoliation in the next few months. I bgan to remove her breakfast from these areas and she asked if she could have Relative Analgesia (RA), to which I replied that there was really no need this time for sedation. " Well then can't you take them out, then I can have the happy air" she said.

Children volunteering for extractions ?!

Needless to say she didn't get her wish but left cheerfully anyway !

Relative Analgesia (RA) is a practice builder - you'd better believe it !

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