Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Case No7.

One of my youngest RA cases

Today I saw an 11 year old for a routine inspection. Her father has given permission for this report. I first saw Helen at the age of about two and a half when she presented with carious lesions. Over a period of time, (several years) and despite dietry and other preventive attempts, dental interventions became necessary. We treated her ( and occasionally others since, too) by lying her in a supine position on top of Dad reclined in the dental chair, with her head on father's right shoulder. Father is a very sensible sort who trusts us implicitly. The RA mask was applied over Helen's nose and the tubing draped over father's shoulders. A good level of sedation was acheived and the dentistry completed with or without LA as appropriate The experience has left Helen a completely relaxed patient at the age of 11 and today we completed 4 fissure sealants including a newly erupted 2nd molar on a completely relaxed child without RA. The likelihood is that if she ever did needed a filling, RA would not be needed for her.

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